Women’s health and wellness

Vaginal rejuvenation describes a combination of different vaginal procedures designed for feminine wellness that can improve woman’s overall self-esteem, but also the correction of many vaginal concerns and discomforts in both inner and outer areas of the vagina.

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What is votiva?

Votiva with FormaV is a Therapeutic device for the treatment of sexual dysfunction or as an adjunct to Kegel exercises (tightening of the muscle of the pelvic Floor to increase muscle tone). Votiva with Morpheus8, is a fractional treatment promoting tissue remodeling.

How does Votiva work?

Votiva uses up to three complementary technologies to address your specific health and wellness concerns. Votiva with the FormaV handpiece, gently and uniformly heats the treated tissue, reducing pain and tightening the pelvic floor muscles. Votiva with the Morpheus8 handpiece is a fractional treatment that remodels tissue. Your physician will speak to you regarding your concerns and expectations. At this time, they will develop a tailored treatment plan for your individual needs

What are the benefits?

The combination of these treatments are not only pain free with almost no downtime, but also very effective with practically immediate results, and continued improvements over time. Best described as vaginal rejuvenation and therapeutic treatment since the outcome is the tightening of the vagina and all surrounding muscles . In addition to that, there are also improvements in vaginal atrophy symptoms and stress urinary incontinence after childbirth or menopause.

What can I expect?

During a treatment, anesthesia is applied on the outer lips of the vagina, while it numbs the outer area, the inner lips and the canal walls of the vagina are treated. A small wand is applied to the problem area, and delivers safe and effective heat. Once done with the wand treatment, we will proceed with factora treatment, finishing off with PRP right away.

How many sessions are required?

Your physician will determine the best course of therapy for you. Most patients undergo between 1-3 sessions every 2-4 weeks apart.

How quickly will I see results?

Most patients are able to achieve immediate results. But since it progressively gets better, you will be able to notice results in 3-4 weeks after the first session.

How to prepare for treatment?

Patients should have an up-to-date normal PAP test and recent normal vaginal exam to ensure that there are no active infections. In addition, hair should be shaved in the treatment area 2-4 days prior to the procedure.

What kind of post procedure care is required?

Emollient cream or healing ointment would be applied to the FractoraV external treatment area. Avoid any activities that involve high temperatures being in contact with the treated area for 3-5 days after treatment, this includes saunas, bathing or showering with hot water, also any kind of heat like lasers, tanning, and sun. No intercourse, or use of tampons for the first 2-3 days post treatment

Who is a good candidate?

Any woman who have experienced or exhibit any of the following:

  • Vulvar and vaginal from childbirth and/or aging.

  • Undergone menopause and/or post-menopausal symptoms

  • Weaken of the muscles and/or pelvic floor

  • Suffer of urinary incontinence

  • Reduced sexual function